
Alpaca Baby

This is Hensting Maisey, unfortunatly Maisey has just died from a nastie worm called the Barber Pole (Haemonchus contortus) Although we have a very stirct worming regime twice a year we inject the hurd with Ivormec super and swap with dectomax or cyadectin, the worm took hold and killed her. baby alpaca This is Maisey with Hensting Bon Bon Unfrotuantly this has left us with this little Alpaca Baby, this little girl we are now having to bottle feed three times a day and as you can see in this video she is now taking creep pellets, all be it one a time which is a bit time consuming, but hey who would not want to do this. you can see more pictures of alpaca baby here at our website Alpaca Baby

hungry baby alpaca


Huacaya alpaca for sale - or Suri ?

So this is a question most alpaca farmers ask at some point during there carrier, so I wanted to go through the pros and the cons between the two. Lets take a look at the fores for the Huacaya alpaca for sale and then move on to the Suri Huacaya Alpacas  They look like big teady bears the fleece is massive in comparison.   The fleece is hypoallergenic  so people can wear it close to the skin without irritaition.  it is very soft microns down to about 14 which is fine comared to say sheep at 30 micron There is not lanolin in the fleece so it is easaly proccesed. The animal its self is no different in any other way to the suri   Suri Alpacas The Suri Alpaca which again you can find suri alpaca for sale The fleece is very close to the body and makes the animal look slim The fleece hangs like dreadlocks  The Suri fleece fetches more money in comparison Spinners often mix the fleece with silk or wool as it can be slipery to use only 5% of Alpacas are suri